Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Plastic Surgery Clinic

In November we had a team of seven wonderful people who came to the clinic to perform plastic surgeries.  It is always amazing to me how generous the volunteers are.  They pay their own way, collect supplies for months before their arrival, spend their vacation time and do such fantastic things here in Ecuador.

There was a young boy named Alexander (photo below) who had been burnt with a gasoline fire as a young child.  The scars from this accident prevented him from opening one of his hands, straightening his two arms and lifting his left arm.  The surgeons in a long surgery were able to transplant skin to open up the scars for improved movement.  In just four hours of surgery Alexander regained the use of his hand, arms and his shoulder.  He is such a brave little boy and a few days after surgery, when he was feeling better, he started telling stories.  It was amazing to hear such a young boy tell such good stories.  He had the parents of the other hospitalized children laughing.

I am so grateful for the surgeons  and all the team that came from Austria.  They helped 73 people to regain movement of legs. feet and hands as well as other types of surgeries.    Their generosity with their time and talents helped many people to improve their lives.

Thank you to each and every one of the volunteers who have come to Guadalupe offering so many different types of help.  It has been a pleasure to meet so many amazing people.

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