My name is Amy Anderson and I
have been a lay missioner for all of my adult life. I started working in an orphanage in Mexico,
then in group homes for orphans in Venezuela, then 12 years in Guatemala
working with a child sponsorship organization and doing health promotion. In between these times I worked in Nicaragua
and was a few months in Bolivia. The
last country prior to where I am now was my three years in Panama doing
promotion of women and construction projects of bridges (not my most suitable
work but someone was needed to finish the project).
For the past 14 years I have
been in the Amazon area of Ecuador working at a small clinic. I am the clinic coordinator working under the
parish priest who is the founder and director of the clinic. We have daily medical and dental consults as
well as vision eye exams for glasses.
Several times a year there are groups of surgeons who come to operate
and the clinic becomes an ambulatory surgery hospital for anything from hernias
to cataracts. I enjoy the work, the
people of Ecuador are welcoming and the nature is beautiful.